清明节又称扫墓节,是家人们纪念并凭吊祖先的时节,因此英文通常为“Tomb-sweeping Day”,但作为节气的清明节有时也被译为“Pure Brightness Day”,强调此时气候的清爽明媚,而最简单的清明节翻译则为“Qingming Festival”。



扫墓 Tomb Sweeping


Tomb sweeping is regarded as the most important custom in the Tomb-sweeping Day. Cleaning the tomb and paying respect to the departed people with offerings are the two important parts of remembering the past relatives. The departed people's favorite food and wine are taken to sacrifice to them, along with spiritual money. This is all burned in the hope that the deceased are not lacking food and money. Kowtows before the tablets set up for the dead are made. Nowadays, withcremation taking over from burying, the custom has been extremely simplified in cities. Only flowers are presented to the dead relatives and revolutionary martyrs.


spiritual money:纸钱




revolutionary martyrs:革命烈士



踏青  Spring Outings


Not only is it a day for commemorating the dead, it is also a time for people to enjoy themselves. During April, everything in nature takes on a new look, as trees turn green, flowers blossom, and the sun shines brightly. It is a fine time to go out and to appreciate the beautiful scenes of nature. This custom can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907A.D.) then followed by each dynasty later till today. So visitors can be seen everywhere during the month of the festival. Spring outings not only add joy to life but also promote a healthy body and mind.



放风筝  Flying Kites


People like flying kites on Qingming Festival or Tomb-sweeping Day, no matter in the daytime or at night. In the evening, they attach strings of little colorful lanterns to the kite, which look like twinkling stars in the sky, called "sacred lantern". In the past, some people would cut off the thread when the kite flew to the sky, letting it drift to wherever the wind took it to. It is said that this can cure diseases, prevent disasters and bring good luck.


sacred lantern:神灯



蹴鞠  Cuju


In ancient China, Ju was a kind of rubber ball with leather skin outside and feather stuffed inside. Cuju means "kicking the ball with foot". It was a popular sport played by ancient Chinese which is similar to today’s soccer game. Cuju arouses great antagonism between the players. During the match, the players ran and strived to control the ball like fighting against the enemy in the battle. And there was a referee specially set to guarantee the fairness of the game.


rubber ball:橡皮球



除了扫墓、踏青、放风筝、蹴鞠之外,清明节还有很多传统习俗,比如打马球(polo on horse or jiju)、插柳(inserting willow)、吃青团(eating green rice ball)等,每一项活动都是趣味与人文情怀兼备,体现着自然与人和谐统一的传统观念。




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