




前美国国务卿 Hillary Clinton



加拿大总理 Justin Trudeau



苹果CEO Tim Cook



Facebook首席运营官 Sheryl Sandberg



脱口秀女王 Oprah Winfrey



美国著名民权领袖 John Lewis









Oprah Winfrey


5月11日,全球媒体界领袖、慈善家、制片人兼演员奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey)在南加州大Annenberg 新闻与传媒学院毕业典礼上发表了主题演讲,号召新闻与传媒学院的毕业生们在这个众声喧哗的时代不要停下追求真理的脚步。


关键词:news, journalism, communication, 

social media, truth


Everything around us, including – and in particular, the internet and social media is now being used to erode trust in our institutions, interfere in our elections, and wreak havoc on our infrastructure. It hands advertisers a map to our deepest desires, it enables misinformation to run rampant, attention spans to run short and false stories from phony sites to run circles around major news outlets. We have literally walked into traffic while staring at our phones.



The good news is that there really is a solution. And the solution is each and every one of you. Because you will become the new editorial gatekeepers, an ambitious army of truth seekers who will arm yourselves with the intelligence, with the insight and the facts necessary to strike down deceit.



苹果CEO Tim Cook


5月13日,苹果公司CEO蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)回到母校杜克大学发表毕业演讲。在毕业典礼上,Tim Cook谈到了气候变化、数据隐私、苹果使用可再生能源等许多话题,并号召毕业生们要让世界变得更美好。Tim Cook在演讲中再次提到了苹果创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs),提到了苹果那个著名的“Think Different”广告,呼吁毕业生们不要满足于现状,要向前看。




You enter the world at a time of great challenge. Our country is deeply divided—and too many Americans refuse to hear any opinion that differs from their own. Our planet is warming with devastating consequences—and there are some who deny it’s even happening. Our schools and communities suffer from deep inequality—we fail to guarantee every student the right to a good education. And yet we are not powerless in the face of these problems. You are not powerless to fix them.



No generation has ever held more power than yours. And no generation has been able to make change happen faster than yours can. The pace at which progress is possible has accelerated dramatically. Aided by technology, every individual has the tools, potential, and reach to build a better world. That makes this the best time in history to be alive whatever you choose to do with your life wherever your passion takes you.


我希望大家能好好利用自己的力量,这个世界远远要比你想象得更美好。其实我也并非总是能够清晰的看清自己,但我明白,人生最大的挑战就是拥有知道何时打破传统的智慧与勇气。不要只是一味的接受今天你所生活的世界,不要安于现状。没有无法突破的挑战,没有永远不会进步的人,敢于尝试不同的东西,要敢于“Think Different”。

I urge you to take the power you have been given and use it for good. Aspire to leave this world better than you found it. I didn’t always see life as clearly as I do now. But I’ve learned the greatest challenge of life is knowing when to break with conventional wisdom. Don’t just accept the world you inherit today. Don’t just accept the status quo. No big challenge has ever been solved, and no lasting improvement has ever been achieved, unless people dare to try something different. Dare to think different.




加拿大总理 Justin Trudeau


加拿大总理贾斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)在演讲中鼓励学生向不同信仰和价值观的人伸出双手,努力倾听不同的声音,成为跨越政治文化沟壑、拥抱多样性的领导者。他建议学生在思考如何影响未来时,问自己一个简单的问题:“你是想赢得争论,还是想改变世界?”


关键词:politics, culture, diversity, leadership


Leadership has always been about getting people to act in common cause. “We’re going to build a new country! We’re going to war! We’re going to the moon!” It usually required convincing, or coercing, a specific group to follow you. And the easiest way to do that has always been through tribal contrasts: “They believe in a different God! They speak a different language! They don’t want the same things as we do.” But the leadership we need most today and in the years to come is leadership that brings people together, that brings diversity to a common cause.



This is the antithesis of the polarization, the aggressive nationalism, the identity politics that have grown so common of late. It’s harder, of course. It’s always been easier to divide than unite. But mostly, it requires true courage. Because if you want to bring people around to your way of thinking, you need to first show them that you are open to theirs. That you are willing to enter into a conversation that might change your mind. Show respect for their point of view, and you have a better chance of actually having them listen to yours. And regardless of what happens, you will have had a genuine exchange that focused on understanding, not on winning a debate or scoring points. And you will both be improved for it.



Let me be very clear: this is not an endorsement of moral relativism or a declaration that all points of view are valid. Female genital mutilation is wrong, no matter how many generations have practiced it. Anthropogenic climate change is real, no matter how much some folks want to deny it. But here’s the question: do you want to win an argument and feel good about how superior you are? Or do you actually want to change behaviors and beliefs? See, it’s been pointed out that one of the many differences between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis was that Davis preferred to win a debate, while Lincoln would rather win the war. And that’s the question: Do you want to win an argument or do you want to change the world?