






Jade Hare









Old Song of the Bright Moon (Excerpt)

Li Bai

A child knew not the moon,

But called it jade plate bright.

He took it for the immortal’s mirror,

Flying over clouds white.

The two legs of the fairy first came into sight,

Then the cassia trees showed up so bright.

Pounding medicinal herbs was the jade hare,

Couldn’t help asking with whom it will share?




Lord Rabbit figurine



Lord Rabbit is a title of respect for the Jade Hare. It’s been popular in Beijing for over 400 years. Legend has it that a plague broke out in Beijing long time ago. Chang'e, the Chinese goddess of the moon, sent the Jade Hare that lived on the moon to the mortal world to help cure the people. In Beijing, it transformed itself into a young woman and visited every home in the city to give people medicine. When the plague was driven away, she returned to the Moon. To commemorate her, Beijingers started to created and worship clay rabbit figurines on every Mid-Autumn Festival.

清宫旧藏兔儿爷 故宫博物院藏



Our Lord Rabbit’s mount has its rule as well. For example, in Chinese folk traditions, peony is a symbol of wealth. Then Lord Rabbit sitting on a peony means wealth and luckiness. If it is an elephant, it means new changes. A lion means everything would go well. Every mount contains a good wish.



Rabbit-shaped Lantern



If the rabbit fell over, the candle inside would burn up the lantern. It was considered good luck — like you burned up all your bad luck and could start fresh in the new year.




  • 狡兔三窟

    a wily hare has three burrows—a crafty person has more than one hideout

  • 静若处子,动若脱兔

    as quiet as a maiden when at rest and as nimble as an escaping hare when in action—demure as a maiden and quick as a rabbit; deliberate in counsel, prompt in action

  • 守株待兔

    stand by a tree stump waiting for a hare to come and dash itself against it—wait foolishly for a most unlikely windfall; trust foolishly to chance and luck; wait for gain without pain; await a windfall

  • 乌飞兔走

    the crow flies and the rabbit runs [with the crow and the rabbit representing the sun and the moon respectively]—time flies; time passes swiftly

  • 兔子不吃窝边草

    a rabbit doesn’t eat the grass near its own hole—even a villain doesn’t harm the next door neighbours

  • 兔起鹘落

    the moment a hare starts out, the falcon swoops down




